"What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"
Mary Oliver
“Be yourself.
Everyone else is taken.”
Oscar Wilde
Are you a military veteran?
Did TAP whet your appetite (Transition Assistance Program)? This Retreat is an excellent next step.
Finding a rewarding career is often an elusive and stressful endeavor, especially if you have recently separated from the military and feel compelled to continue in a job in the same field you held. Maybe you want to work in the same field; maybe not. Is your top goal to earn as much money as you can, or to live a fulfilling life?
What if you could do both?
What’s possible?
Is it possible that, now that you are a civilian, you can do what you truly want to do with your life? Do you have dreams that you’ve set aside that you’d like to look at again? Have you put off exploring other options that you’ve always thought about?
Maximize your benefits
Don’t waste one of the greatest benefits of military service: a college education! When you are clear on where you want to go, you not only increase the odds of getting there, you are more likely to enjoy the path to your goal, and save time and money by keeping focused on your true goals –– and your dreams.
What's Next?
What are your passions?
Passion Spark Retreats can shed light for service men and women on career possibilities that match your passions! Often these are dreams that have been living within you, unrealized, for many years.
Workforce dissatisfaction
Did you know that 70% of the American workforce is dissatisfied (Gallup)? A Manpower, Inc. study, published in Forbes, found 81% dissatisfaction. What if you could be among those who have a satisfying career?
We call it a "Retreat"...
because it combines a time of peace and adventure to activate your imagination and natural motivation, spark the enthusiasm that is you, and support you to glow with confidence.
Discover or re-discover what you’d really love to do in life, and make a plan to do it! ​With introspection, you’ll find yourself telling yourself what YOU really want to do with your life and see a clear path to get there.