Donations to Segue are exclusively designated to support Passion Spark.
History of Passion Spark and Segue
(see below)
The history of Passion Spark began with Segue Career Guidance Program, Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. Passion Spark shares the same core mission as Segue, “To guide people today to support their career successes tomorrow.” Today, Passion Spark represents Segue's only activity to manifest its mission. Passion Spark engages those of different ages, from high school, college, college alumni, and those in mid-career to engage their personal inner knowing at a much deeper level than did Segue.
Specifically, Passion Spark's Retreat Workshops occur over 24 hours, plus additional self-directed activities, whereas Segue's in-class career speakers presented mentors' personal experiences for students during just 20 minutes. Participants in mid-career already know what's it's like working in a dissatisfying career. Younger participants who are not yet in a career are gently guided, to their inner knowing, to discover/re-discover what they'd love to do in life –– and make a plan to do it.
To support these outcomes, foundations and philanthropists have donated to Segue and specifically designated that their funds be used to support participants to attend Passion Spark Retreats.
Historically, Segue provided over 90,000 Student Career Exposures (SCE: One SCE is one exposure to one career option by one live in-class speaker). Over 50,000 of the Segue participants were from low to very low income households. Segue produced outstanding outcomes as measured by Harvard University and California Lutheran University, as well as by student and teacher testimonials. Findings by these universities are summarized below under the button titled "Research."
Segue was highly regarded in the community, as described in a 4-minute summary video by a Superior Court Judge, a school Superintendent, a county District Attorney, a County Sheriff, a Probation Chief, and others, as found below under the button titled "Testimonials."
Unique to Segue was its proprietary self-scheduling software system, which enabled speakers, everyday members of the workforce, to self-schedule a convenient time to speak in three consecutive high school or college classrooms, for 20 minutes each, at the frequency requested by the teachers/professors. Speakers brought students real world examples from a large variety of careers, their careers, and reported actual examples of how behaviors such as initiative and perseverance generate career success.